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The 1st Jewish Youth Parliament of Switzerland

from 16 to 35 years...


Sunday, 31 March 2019

Grossratsgebäude des Kantons Aargau


Grossratsgebäude des Kantons Aargau

Erstes Jüdisches Jugendparlament fordert in Aarau mehr Mitspracherecht für junge Gläubige

“Das jüdische Jugendparlament hat den ganzen Sonntag debattiert, in Workshops Positionspapiere erarbeitet und mit dieser und jener Formulierung gerungen.”​


—  az Aargauer Zeitung

We decide!
Participate, discuss and shape your future:
jewpa - the 1st Jewish Youth Parliament of Switzerland wants to initiate engagement. It is an event of the Swiss Union of Jewish Students (SUJS) in cooperation with the umbrella organizations SIG and PLJS as well as most of the Swiss Jewish communities.

The aim of the newly formed parliament is that Jewish people (including children of a Jewish father and people in the conversion process) between the ages of 16 and mid-30 come together to identify their specific concerns and finally, by consensus, contradiction or compromise, define the opinion of their generation and pass it on to the established institutions.

Register now and spread the word!
Sponsors & Supporters

Thanks to our sponsors the whole event (including kosher meals and refund for train tickets) is free of charge!

Commission work
Preparation of drafts for the parliament
Break with coffee and cake
Plenary Assembly
Opening Speech / Message of Greeting
Parliamentary session
Commission proposals and discussion, votes
End of the event
Welcome and election of the president of parliament
(Proposals by preparatory commission)
Workshops on "Politics, Democratic Participation and Parliamentarism" (by Swiss young politicians)
Presentation of the five committees and enrollment
(Finance, Religion, Youth, Politics, Community structure)
Lunch (all together) and time for informal talks
VIP Guests
Some VIP guests and speakers attending jewpa 2019:
(click on image for details)
More VIPs to come...
Take the train to "Bahnhof Aarau". From the train station it's 5 minutes by foot. Travel costs to/from Aarau will be refunded on request.
Extra bus from the Romandie (Geneva / Lausanne). You can sign up in the registration form.
Details will follow...
Private car:
GPS: Obere Vorstadt 10, 5000 Aarau
You are between 16 and 35 years old? Then join us!
​The 1st Jewish Youth Parliament of Switzerland gives you the exclusive opportunity to change your future as a Jewish person in Switzerland.

We are debating with the support of Swiss politicians and in the presence of representatives of the Jewish communities and the umbrella or
ganizations SIG and PLJS:
  • Are our communities still up-to-date or completely obsolete?
  • What do I expect from a Jewish community?
  • How should we deal with important topics such as intermarriage, conversion or anti-Semitism?
31 Mar 2019, 10:00
Grossratsgebäude Kanton Aargau,
Obere Vorstadt 10, 5000 Aarau, Schweiz
Contact us

Swiss Union of Jewish Students

c/o SIG/FSCI | Gotthardstrasse 65 | CH-8002 Zürich|  Tel: +41 (0)43 305 07 65

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About jewpa

Das 1. Jüdische Jugendparlament der Schweiz ist eine Veranstaltung der Swiss Union of Jewish Students.


SUJS ist eine Organisation, die sich für alle jüdischen Studierenden und jungen Erwachsenen frei von ihrer Gemeindezugehörigkeit einsetzt.


Le 1er Parlement des jeunes Juifs de Suisse est un événement de l‘Union des Étudiants Juifs de Suisse.


SUJS est une organisation qui travaille pour tous les étudiants et jeunes adultes juifs indépendamment de leur appartenance à une communauté.

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